Friday, September 18, 2009

Pain in Passion

“You will become more passionate and determined about your vision”

I smiled as I read the fortune that had come from the cookie. So many times God has spoken to me in this amusing way. I have no problem with this. God knows the message in each and every cookie in existence, and He can guarantee that I get the correct one.

Then I looked more closely. There is pain in passion.

Do you see it?


Though my mind is clouded with chemo drugs and radiation pains, God’s voice still manages to penetrate through the misty vale that surrounds my spirit. The thing that I so long for, the passion that drove me to heights in pursuing God’s will for my life, alludes me at this time. God whispers to me “There is pain in passion”.

When I began this cancer journey, wondering why this was happening to me, God spoke to me, “I will show him how much he must suffer for my name”. I quickly got out my concordance to find from where this verse had come. I found it in the book of Acts, speaking of the beginning of Paul’s journey with God. Paul exhibited much passion for God, but he also experienced much pain for God. I am hopeful that this painful experience is just the beginning of a long and passionate relationship with my Lord and Savior.

This is how we can grasp and rejoice in the verse that we should count it a joy when we are called upon to suffer for Jesus. Knowing that the end of the pain brings new heights of passion for God and joy in our lives helps us to endure the former in order to attain the latter. Endure the pain so that we may experience the greater passion.

There is a story of a gifted soprano who was brought before the master choral director by an eager assistant. The lady sang before them without flaw; and yet the Master told his assistant, “Yes, she is good, but she will sing more sweetly when she has experienced hardship and pain in her life.”

There is pain in passion.
Do not put out the Spirit's fire, do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. I Thess. 5:19-21